693 Square Feet, 2 Bedrooms, 1 Bathrooms, Single-Section

This manufactured home is built to the federal (HUD) building code for manufactured housing.

Floor Plan

Dimensions, floor plans, elevations, features and other information are subject to change without notice. Square footage and other dimensions are approximations. Elevations, photography and videos are often shown with optional features and/or third party additions, such as garages and porches that may not be available in all regions or situations.


Models in this series:

Marshall Byler

Byler Media designs and builds SEO optimized, mobile-friendly websites with Squarespace, including small business, e-commerce sites and blogs.  We produces professional-quality, 4K video content for individuals and organizations including wedding videography, documentary and promotional films. We are a web designer, Squarespace expert and videographer all in one.


Paramount 1452H21081


Paramount 1444H11023